Search Results
Sabina Alkire "National MPIs and Sustainable Development Goals" (Week 1 Lecture)
Sabina Alkire “Interpreting the MPI” (Week 3 lecture)
Sabina Alkire “Using MPI during the COVID-19 pandemic” (Week 6 Lecture)
Achim Steiner “Importance and applications of national MPIs” (Week 1 lecture)
Panama: National Multidimensional Poverty Index case study
Davina Osei "Communicating the national MPI" (Week 4 Lecture)
Shakeel Ahmad “Changing the poverty narrative with a national MPI” (Week 2 Lecture)
Monica Pinilla-Roncancio “Identifying MPI champions” (Week 2 Lecture - English)
Ricardo Nogales “Key take-aways from the technical process of national MPI design” (Week 4 Lecture)
Course Trailer: Designing a Multidimensional Poverty Index MOOC 2022
James Foster “The Alkire Foster methodology” (Week 3 lecture)
"Designing a Multidimensional Poverty Index" MOOC: How to use the course room